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2023 Northwest America Open Golf Tournament hosted by the KSO

2023-06-21 05:38

2023 Golf Tournament 

Northwest America Open Golf Tournament hosted by the KSO

 -Hole-in-One Prize: $50,000 in CASH and premium Mercedes cars in each of the two holes!

 -Get lucky at the Northwest America Open Golf Tournament, where the best winning prize

in Korean American Golf Tournament history is at stake!


 Hole 5: CASH $50,000 N.W.  Courtesy of Community Credit Union

 Hall 11: Mercedes cars\– Mercedes – Courtesy of Benz of Wilsonville


 Round-trip ticket to Korea provided by Delta Air Lines

 Oregon’s largest golf course

  It is held at The Reserve Golf Club.

 *Date: August 28, 2023 (Monday) 11:00 am

 *Venue: The Reserve Vineyard &amp\; Golf Club (N course)

 4805 S.W.  229th Ave., Aloha, OR 97007 Tel:503-649-8191

 *Target: Male and female golfers in Northwest America

 *Application Deadline: August 21, 2023 (Mon) till 5 pm.

 *Participation fee: $175 (including green fee, cart fee, lunch and dinner, and products)

 *Where to send the entry fee: KSO (Korean Society of Oregon)

 7650 SW 81th Ave., Portland, OR 97223 Tel 503-977-2617

 *Number of participants: 144 (36 groups, first-come-first-served basis)

 (Participant name, gender, cell phone number, handicap required.

Due to the increasing number of participants every year, entries are closed on a first-come, first-served basis.)

 *Participation Inquiries: KSO Golf Tournament Preparation Committee

(503)977-2617, (503)313-8889, (503)819-1949

 Hosted by: Korean Society of Oregon

 Sponsored by The Reserve Vineyard &amp\; Golf Club

Sponsored by: VTM Group / N.W.  Community Credit Union / Delta Airlines / Compustar / Holiday Inn Portland South Wilsonville

/ H-Mart / Buhan Market / Mio Sushi / Premiere Property Group / K-Teck International / Mercedes-Benz of Wilsonville

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