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Bylaws of the Korean Society of Oregon(오레곤한인회 영문 정관)

2024-01-20 02:29

Bylaws of the Korean Society of Oregon



Article 1 Name


This organization is called 오레곤 한인회. (The English name of this organization is the Korean Society of Oregon.)


Article 2 Purpose


1. The Organization promotes socialization among Koreans.


2. The Organization pursues the common interests of all members.


3. The Organization serves to improve the rights and welfare of the local community.


4. The Organization takes the lead in promoting education to preserve Korea’s unique culture and traditions.


5. The Organization’s main purpose is to ultimately contribute to the development of the Republic of Korea and the United States through the above purposes.


6. The Organization is a non-profit organization under IRS Code 501(c)(3), that complies with all laws and regulations, including U.S. federal law and Oregon state law, and conducts non-political and non-religious activities.


Article 3 Members


Section 1: Members shall be descendants of Koreans residing in Oregon, their immediate family members, and persons interested in the Korean community.


Section 2: Members must comply with the Bylaws.


Section 3: Members who have paid the prescribed membership fee determined by the Board of Directors have the right to vote at the Regular General Meeting and Special General Meeting.


Article 4 Board of Directors


Section 1: The projects of the Organization are governed by the resolution of the Board of Directors.


Section 2: The Board of Directors are composed of the Chairman, ex officio Directors, and Directors appointed by the Chairman through consultation among the ex officio Directors. The ex officio Directors are the President, the immediate former President, and the immediate former Chairman of the Board. The Board of Directors shall be composed of an odd number of at least 9 Directors.



Section 3: The term of the Directors is for two years, and in order to ensure continuity of the work of the organization, the principle is to reappoint more than one third of the former Board of Directors. The term of the Director who is recruited during the term of the President due to the needs of the Organization shall end in accordance with the remaining term of the President.


Section 4: The Chairman is elected by the Directors, presides over the Board of Directors, has the authority to supervise the projects of the Organization, and represents the Organization in the event of the President’s absence.


Section 5: The Board of Directors holds three regular meetings a year. In principle, the first regular meeting of each year is held in January, and the dates of the second and third regular meetings are determined at the first meeting. Special meetings called by the Board of Directors is convened by the Chairman of the board when he or she deems it necessary, when there is a request to convene from the President or auditor, or when five or more Directors make a request. When a person with the authority requests to convene a meeting, the Chairman must issue a written notice of convening the special Board of Directors meeting within 3 daysIf a convocation notice is not made within the allotted period, the person with the authority who requested a convocation may directly call for the convocation. In principle, the notice of convocation must be given at least 7 days prior to the meeting date via mail or e-mail.


Section 6: Unless otherwise specified, all meetings are established with the attendance of a majority of the current Directors, and the quorum for voting is a majority of the Directors present.


Section 7: The Board of Directors approves for the project plan, budget, settlement of accounts, and the recommended Vice-President (Presidency), deliberates and decides on the Amendments to the Bylaws, sets membership fees, and decides on fluctuation.


Section 8: The Board of Directors may remove an Officer or Director by a resolution of two-thirds of the current Directors. In the event of a Director vacancy, the Chairman may fill the position in consultation with ex officio Directors.


Section 9: The auditor of the Organization is elected by the Board of Directors with the approval of a majority of the Directors present. The Organization auditor must carry out administrative and financial audits and report them during the first regular Board of Directors meeting of the following year, along with the financial audit by the end of December. The report will be published in a daily newspaper or on the homepage of the Organization‘s website. When the auditor determines that urgent handling is necessary due to the importance of the matter, he or she may request the convening of an emergency special Board of Directors meeting.


Section 10: The Directors of the Organization are unpaid volunteers.


Article 5 Executives Committee


Section 1: The Organization is represented by the President, the election of the President shall be in accordance with the election regulations in the Supplementary Provisions, the term of office shall be two years and may only be reelected once.



Section 2: The Organization shall have several Vice Presidents. The Vice President(s) is recommended by the President and approved by the Board of Directors, and the term of office is the same as the remaining term of office for the President. The Vice President(s) assists the President, in the event of the President’s absence, the Senior Vice President performs the administrative duties of the President.


Section 3: The Secretary General is appointed by the President.


1. The secretary general manages the seal of the Organization and performs all clerical duties.


2. The deputy secretary general is appointed by the President on the recommendation of the secretary general.


3. The deputy secretary general assists the secretary general.


Section 4: The treasurer is appointed by the President. The treasurer manages all money and securities delegated by the President and reports the financial statements.


Section 5: The secretary is appointed by the President. The secretary prepares and maintains the meeting minutes of the Organization.


Section 6: The executives of the executive branch are unpaid volunteers and also serve as Directors of the Organization.


Section 7: The President may hire or dismiss an office staff as necessary.


Section 8: The Organization’s various documents (including those stored, sent and received electronically) are the sole property of the Organization and cannot be destroyed or destroyed by any member of the executive committee or used for personal purposes.


Article 6 The General Meeting


Section 1: The General Meeting is the supreme decision-making body of the Organization and is classified into Regular General Meeting and Special General Meeting.


Section 2: The Regular General Meeting is convened by the President of the Organization before December 15th of each year and is announced 14 days prior to the meeting date.


Section 3: The following matters are resolved at the Regular General Meeting.


1. Projects and final accounting report


2. Amendment of Bylaws


3. Matters submitted by the Board of Directors



4. Matters requested to the Organization with the signatures of at least 25 members with  paid membership fees.


5. Approval of the appointment of a new President, except in the circumstances of a President election through the election regulations in the Supplementary Provisions.


Section 4: When the President or Chairman of the Board of Directors deems a convocation is necessary, upon the request of an auditor, upon the request of five or more Directors, or upon the request of more than 25 members with paid membership fees, the President shall convene a Special General Meeting, state the agenda and announce 15 days prior to the meeting date. Even with the request to convene a Special General Meeting, if the President does not announce the convocation, the person who requested the convening may directly announce the convocation after notifying the President.


Section 5: The Regular General Meeting shall be valid only by members attending the meeting. The number of members to constitute a quorum of the Special General Meeting shall be 50 or more. A substitute attendance, such as through a proxy, is not permitted at the General Meeting.


Article 7 Former Presidents Committee


Section 1: The Former Presidents Committee of Oregon is an ex officio advisory group to the Organization.   


Section 2: The Former Presidents Committee of Oregon provides advice and cooperation on matters requested by the President or Chairman of the Board of Directors in the Organization.


Section 3: The Former Presidents Committee of Oregon shall actively cooperate, when the Organization Board of Directors appoints and requests 2 Election Committee members to participate in the next Presidential Election. When the Election Committee of the Organization is disbanded and the President Recommendation Committee is initiatedthey shall actively cooperate with the request and participation of five people appointed by the Board of Directors of the Organization.


Section 4: The Former Presidents Committee of Oregon provides advice and support for the development of the Organization.


Article 8 Financial


Section 1: The Organization is financed through membership fees, donations, and other income.


Section 2: The Organization’s fiscal year and projects shall be from January 1st to December 31st.


Section The Organization’s final accounting report shall be provided at the first regular Board of Directors meeting of the following year. However, at the Regular General Meeting, a final Accounting Report must be provided through October 31st of the relevant year.



Section 4: The President in office for the fiscal year is responsible for all expenses, including office and general operating expenses of the Organization. Therefore, if debt is incurred during the term of office, the President of the relevant year is personally responsible for paying off the debt, the debt cannot be carried over to the next term of the Presidency, and must be paid off within two months from the end of the term.


Article 9 Amendment of Bylaws


The Amendments to the Bylaws of the Organization are proposed with the approval of two-thirds of the incumbent Directors and are passed with the approval of more than half of those present in the General Meeting.


Article 10 Disband of the Organization


The Organization can be disbanded if proposed with the approval of two-thirds of the Board of Directors and with the approval of more than half of those present in the General Meeting. In the event of disbanding the Organization, the property of the Organization will be used first to repay the debts and liabilities of the Organization. The remaining assets after repaying the debts and responsibilities shall be donated to an organization that operates in accordance with 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (IRS Code) for purposes consistent with the purposes of the Organization.



Supplementary Provisions


Article 1 Election Management Regulations


Section 1: The Organization establishes and operates the Korean Society of Oregon President Election Committee to elect the President.


Section 2: The Election Committee is comprised of 7 members, including a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary. The members of the Committee are three from incumbent Directors, two from former Presidents of the Korean Society of Oregon, and two from Oregon Korean community organizations.


Section 3: Members of the Election Committee are elected by the Board of Directors no later than 45 days prior to the election date. The chairperson of the Committee is elected and appointed by the Board of Directors, and the vice chairperson and secretary are elected by the Committee. The definition and recognition of Oregon Korean community organizations in relation to the composition of the Election Committee and the qualifications of candidates for election are decided by the Board of Directors of the Organization.


Section 4: Election Committee members who were elected by the Board of Directors of the Organization and agreed to the appointment cannot run for Presidential Election of the relevant year. In addition, when there are no candidates for the election, the Election Committee is disbanded, and even after the President Recommendation Committee is formed, he or she is not eligible to be nominated as a candidate for the next President.



Section 5: Qualified voters are members defined in Article 3 of the Korean Society of Oregon’s Bylaws as of the candidacy registration closing date.


Section 6: Elections shall be held in person and anonymously.


Section 7: Detailed rules for the election of the next President, which are not specified in these supplementary provisions, shall be promulgated by the Election Committee at least 30 days prior to the election.


Section 8: Eligible Candidates


1. Eligible candidates are limited to members over 35 years of age who have resided in Oregon for at least 5 consecutive years as of the date of candidacy registration and who have performed member duties, including payment of membership fees, for at least 2 years over the past 5 years.


2. Eligible candidates are limited to those who have served as officers or directors of the Korean Society of Oregon or Oregon Korean community organization for at least 2 years out of the past 5 years as of the date of candidacy registration.


3. Candidates must submit a presidential candidacy registration form to the Election Committee 20 days prior to the election in accordance with the Organization’s prescribed form, including recommendations from at least 20 members who have paid membership fees in the election year.


4. Candidates must submit the deposit established and promulgated by the Election Committee when registering as a candidate. The deposited money is used for election management, and if there is any remaining balance, it shall be carried over to the next Presidency. The Election Committee may not set a deposit for more than $5,000.


Section 9: The Election Committee shall report the winner of the next President who was elected in accordance with the promulgated regulations to the Board of Directors and during the General Meeting of the Organization. The Election Committee is automatically disbanded on the day after the inauguration ceremony of the newly elected President.


Section 10: If an election becomes unnecessary because only one person registers as a candidate for the election of the next President, the Election Committee reports this matter to the Board of Directors of the Organization, if the candidate’s qualifications are met, the election of the candidate for the next President without a vote is announced one week after the candidate registration deadline.


Section 11: President Recommendation Committee


1. If there is no candidate by the candidate registration deadline announced by the Election Committee, the Election Committee reports this matter to the Board of Directors of the Organization and the Committee is disbanded.



2. In case there is no registration of candidates by the candidate registration deadline, the Korean Society of Oregon automatically convenes a special Board of Directors meeting on the date of the candidate registration deadline. The Election Committee is disbanded and Recommendation Committee is formed for the next President during the special Board of Directors meeting. The Recommendation Committee is comprised of 15 members, including 5 current Directors of the Organization, 5 former Presidents of the Korean Society of Oregon, and 5 members from Korean-American community organizations. The chairperson of the Committee is elected and appointed by the Board of Directors, and the vice-chairperson and secretary are elected by the Committee. The Election Committee members who were disbanded may also be re-elected and appointed as Recommendation Committee members.


3. The Committee recommends one candidate for the next President during the General Meeting of the Korean Society of Oregon, and the President is elected by the yeas and nays of members at the General Meeting. If the candidate recommended by the Recommendation Committee is rejected by the members attending the General Meeting, the members may directly elect the candidate from among the members attending the General Meeting. In this case, the candidate for the next President must still meet the qualifications pursuant to 1 and 2 in Section 8 of the Supplementary Provisions.


Article 2 Preparation of Final Accounting Report and Handling Government Affairs

(Regulations including various reports and task processing related to taxation)


Section 1: The final accounting report is prepared according to the Fund Accounting method, and depreciation of all fixed assets is done according to the Straight-Line method.


Section 2: The fiscal year-end closing final accounting report must include at least (1) balance sheet (2) income statement (3) expense statementand (4) fund balance statement of changes\; and the important financial related data must be attached to the financial statements as an Appendix.


Section 3: All government affairs as stipulated by law, including various reports related to taxation and incidental work processmust be processed and reported within the statutory deadline of the Presidency serving in the statutory reporting year (processing year).




These Bylaws were voted for motion at the special Board of Directors meeting on December 5, 2013, and shall become effective when passed by a majority vote at the Regular General Meeting on December 5, 2013.

전체 124
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